
News photo poetry

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Lots of coverage in Canada's main newspapers in the last couple of days of the big meetings between Ford Motor Company and the Canadian Auto Workers union.

The business sections have been running some great photos of legendary CAW chief hardass Buzz Hargrove and his team doing the obligatory grip 'n' grin with various Ford bigwigs.

Tobin Grimshaw's CP shot running on A1 of this morning's Globe & Mail nails it - this is pure poetry in the form of a business news photo:

The headline: "Arming for battle" is perfect too.

It might be hard to see from this tiny image, but the shot shows a group of CAW negotiators reaching across the table to press the flesh with the representatives of Ford Motor Company's HR and labour relations team.

But you don't even need that detail to work out which side is which here. The close crop image of uniform black suits versus bare, muscular forearms says it all.

But it's the wrong colour

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

This link has been all over the web already today, but what the heck - one more pointer to it can't hurt.

In honor of the first manned Moon landing, which took place on July 20, 1969, we’ve added some NASA imagery to the Google Maps interface to help you pay your own visit to our celestial neighbor. Happy lunar surfing."

Check out the details attached to each of the landing site flags. Nice.

One problem though. Zoom in on the image, all the way up to max. Funny, guys, but...er...yellow?

Meet the Fuglies

Canuckflack Colin McKay, responding to a post on the YoungPRPros list, incidentally points to this hilarous celebrity bitchfest.

If, like me, you take get secret, guilty pleasure out of chortling over the absurd antics of celebs pictured on the front of those supermarket tabloids, then this site is for you.

The commentary alongside this image of K-Fed in his "manpris" and flip-flops with white tube socks (with socks!) alone makes it worth checking out.

It's a fish-in-a-barrel snarkapalooza delight.

I need more tattoos

The story on the front of today's Globe & Mail Careers section makes the case for tattoos in the workplace. Body art and visible piercings are, the Globe says, no longer considered barriers to gainful employment.

I've never had a tattoo or any kind of piercing done. Never wanted to. But if this job search drags on much longer, maybe I should reconsider...


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The British National Party, according to this BBC news report, has put out an election leaflet featuring an image of the bombed London bus with the headline: "Maybe now its time to start listening to the BNP."

The BNP, for those outside the UK, is the ultra-right racist political party that grew out of the former National Front - a motley assortment of xenophobes, jingoists, Mosley-ites, skinheads and white supremacists.

BNP leader Nick Griffin, in an interview on BBC Radio 4, commented: "It is obviously a very graphic, horrific image which really sums up the cost of voting Labour. Obviously Islamic terrorists carried out the attacks, but it is the Labour Party's fault they did it."

The Daily Star newspaper, one of the UK's famously direct red-topped tabloids, carried a stark, one-word banner headline the day after the bombing. I'm borrowing it as the head for this post.


Michael O'Connor Clarke's main blog. Covering PR, social media, marketing, family life, sundry tomfoolery since 2001.

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