
Analyzing my new Twitter followers

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Recently, my number of new Twitter followers has been growing at an increasing rate. I'm not sure if this is simply a factor of the exponential growth of Twitter itself, or perhaps something to do with the fact that I've been talking about Twitter a lot more in email, phone conversations and at events. Probably some combination of these things.

Interested to see where all these new followers are coming from, I took a quick walk through the last ten days' worth of new followers, checking out their profiles to see who these people were.

It quickly became clear that I could group all of the last few hundred followers into a set of simple categories, as this chart shows:

You probably think I'm joking. I only wish that I were (OK, well maybe a little - but I'm not exaggerating by much).

Twitter is still extraordinarily useful, vibrant, and interesting. It is, as Joe says, a great town square. But it's clearly in danger of being overrun by... well... by all of the above. Meh.

On the walk home

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I wonder do they sink —
Winter lawns piled
Heavy under hills of snow?
Springing back level, exhaling
When April brings the thaw.


Michael O'Connor Clarke's main blog. Covering PR, social media, marketing, family life, sundry tomfoolery since 2001.

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