
How many bloggers are there in Canada?

I find it a little surprising that no widely-available source seems to have an answer to that question.

A journalist friend emailed me earlier today to ask if I knew of any stats about the size of the Canadian blogosphere. I was in a very quick break between meetings but, knowing he was on deadline, I sent a quick message out to a few friends who I thought might be likely to know, plus I sent up a flare on Twitter.

It doesn't look like any such data exists - at least not in readily available form.

I even asked Dave Sifry, Technorati founder and oracle of the blogosphere. Dave is the force behind Technorati's regular "State of the Blogosphere/State of the Live Web" reports. In their latest reports, they've been able to split out the size of the blogosphere by language, but even Technorati doesn't currently track numbers on a regional basis.

That's such a shame. I can imagine it's a pretty big problem to figure out how to do this, but not beyond the reach of some enterprising stats jock, surely. It would be really interesting to be able to see detailed break outs of:

- bloggers by country (whatr percentage of a country's total population is blogging);
- percentage of regional online population (i.e. of Net users per country, how many are bloggers?);
- comparative charting (e.g. what's the most bloggy country in the world? fastest growing?)

Wouldn't you love to know that sort of stuff?

So, chanelling another one of Dave's projects, I'm wondering hoosgot the time and resources to put together a comprehensive analysis of the size of the blogosphere by country/region?