
Getting back in the PR game

For the last month, I've found myself following conversations among PR bloggers a lot more closely than I had been doing for quite a while. There's a reason for this.

Back when I was last a full-time PR guy, and when I was posting at least semi-regularly to my Flackster blog, I felt a lot more closely connected to the flack-o-sphere. Then I moved out of agency life to give the software startup world a try again, and, after a few months of heads-down Product Management and Biz Dev work, my active engagement in the PR world inevitably dwindled somewhat.

In the time that I've been away, it's been good to watch the incredible surge of energy and the arrival of many, many new PR voices in the blogosphere. The "PR Blogs" sub-section in my feedreader has now grown to three times the size of the main section. Even while I was off playing around at being a client-side bloke, the truth is: I never really left PR too far behind. I've missed it.

One of the regular PR-business bloggers I've really been enjoying reading in the last year is Joe Thornley. His comprehensive coverage of last week's Blog Business Summit in Seattle was absolutely terrific - a great example of live-blogging from the conference floor.

Joe gets it. If you check out the recently re-launched website of Thornley Fallis Communications, the company Joe runs with Terry Fallis, you'll notice that the front page is now an aggregate of staff blogs. Very cool. Not the kind of thing you might expect from a PR agency, but then TF are definitely not your typical agency.

So the even cooler thing (for me at least) is the fact that my own blog will soon be added to the TF aggregate feed.

Yup - I've had to sit on this news for a few weeks, while we worked out a couple of details, but I can now spill the beans. On Wednesday of this week, I'm going to be showing up bright and early for the first day of my new job at Thornley Fallis. I'll be working closely with Joe, Terry, and the rest of the TF team to grow a technology and social media practice for their current clients and (we hope) lots of new ones too.
I'll be keeping some of my existing projects going, or transferring them through into Thornley Fallis, as appropriate. More news on that in future posts.

I can't wait to get on board with TF. It's clear from my discussions with Joe and some of his colleagues to date that they've built a healthy, energetic, and confident culture, and a firm that both knows where it's going and has the expertise and resources to get there. I haven't felt this pumped about starting a new job in years. It just feels right for so many reasons. Quite apart from anything else, this will be the first PR agency job I've walked into where I don't have to explain what my blog is.

Oh, plus the TF group of companies also includes a kick ass design studio - so I'm hoping this blog will finally be able to get the facelift it so badly needs :-)