
Appropriate Labelling

The Globe and Mail's Christie Blatchford, travelling on the Conservative Party campaign plane, draws attention to the fact that the plane's call letters are "C-GITT".

Christie suspects it's a Liberal plot, the letters being so close to C-GRIT ("Grits" is used as neutral shorthand for the Liberal party in Canada; much as Conservatives, everywhere, are labelled "Tory").

I agree it might be a plot, but for different reasons. Growing up just outside Birmingham, England, I learned to relish the explosive dismissiveness of "git" as a mild but pointed expletive; typically used in expressions such as "you lazy git" or "useless git".

My paperback Oxford Dictionary defines "git" as "a silly or contemptible person".

How thoughtful of Transport Canada to assign such a descriptive call sign to Mr. Harper's plane.

As an aside, I'm afraid that the Globe's online version continues to be a triumph of cluelessness.

I've been a subscriber to the print edition for years, so I was able to enjoy Christie's column at the breakfast table this morning.

When I try to access the same column at globeandmail.com, however, I'm told "The page you requested is only available to INSIDER Edition subscribers".

Even when logged in as a registered "user" of the site, I'm being asked to pay $6.95 a month to read the exact same content I've already paid to read in print

"That's $8 less the regular subscription price of $14.95!" the site tells me. Woo bloody hoo.