
Truth in Public Relations

I have it on good authority that the September issue of Maxim magazine includes a short feature on “When PR Goes Wrong”.

(Not that I’d ever actually purchase such blatant cheesecake, of course. A friend of a friend told me. *cough*)

Apparently, the centrepiece of this feature is the complete text of a letter to editor Alex Strauss, sent by a certain New York PR agency on behalf of the Smithsonian Institution.

Here’s the key section of the letter in question:

Now that baseball season is in full swing, it is the perfect time to inform your readers about this exciting exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution. If there has ever been a museum exhibition to highlight in [TRASHY MEN'S PUBLICATION], Baseball As America is it. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information or visuals.

The letter as printed in Maxim includes even the name of the unfortunate agency. But repeating that information here would be just plain mean.