
Sorting the US Democratic Hopefuls

Here's a great tool if, like me, you're fortunate enough not to live in the U.S., but concerned enough to maintain a healthy interest in the constant rumblings of their malformed political machinery, you might also, like me, have occassional trouble keeping your Dean and Kerry in the right corners, knowing your Clark from your Edwards, staying up to speed on Kuchinich's plans for Healthcare.

The Christian Science Monitor has put together a terrific online knowledge base to help cross-reference the candidates' positions on the key issues such as the economy, education, healthcare, and Iraq.

Pick a topic, pick a candidate, get an instant read out on their stated position and a reminder, in case you needed one, of why this stuff matters.

I can't vouch for the accuracy or the impartiality of the content - my knowledge of U.S. politics is not advanced enough to detect partisan nuances in the copy.  But I just think it's a great example of a simple web app, neatly implemented.