
Killer App Wish List

Here’s the new plug in I want for my email system.

I’m reasonably disciplined when it comes to email (i.e. I delete most of it right after reading or responding), but in every day’s traffic there will be a small amount of stuff I want or need to keep. I have multiple nested folders set up in Outlook for this purpose.

But I don’t want to kill our email servers by storing all the monster attachments I receive, plus it’s harder to find an attachment through Outlook than as a discrete object sitting on a server. So I strip the relevant attachments and squirrel them away in the appropriate client folder up on the network.

What I need, then, is a plug in that will do this (with as few clicks as possible, please – drag & drop would be ideal):

- Save the current message to a designated Outlook folder (with option to create a new folder if required)
- Strip all attachments and save them to a server directory with the same name as the Outlook folder


- Index both ends, so they’re fully searchable (from one UI) through metadata and/or full text.

(I think Fulcrum SearchServer used to do this last bit, but the front end would still need automating).

Is there anything like this out there? If not – would somebody build me one?