A Passport for Citizens of the World
If reading articles like that one below have you shaking your head in despair at the cluelessness of U.S. lawmakers - so much so that you're getting to the point that you're embarrassed to carry an American passport - remember there is an alternative option.
The World Passport has been recognized (on a case-by-case basis) by 170 countries worldwide.
"The World Passport represents the inalienable human right of freedom of travel on planet Earth. Therefore it is premised on the fundamental oneness or unity of the human community.
"In modern times, the passport has become a symbol of national sovereignty and control by each nation-state. That control works both for citizens within a nation and all others outside. All nations thus collude in the system of control of travel rather than its freedom. If freedom of travel is one of the essential marks of the liberated human being, as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, then the very acceptance of a national passport is the mark of the slave, serf or subject."