

Rats. Something wonky is up with the Archives here, I'm afraid. A visitor just told me that the link to my "Marketing Aforethought" rant, over there in the side bar, points to a blank post.

I've no idea where the original screed went, and don't have a copy of it on this loaner machine or on the network. I think it might be sitting on my old dead Compaq somewhere.

Bugger bugger bugger - I really quite liked that piece.

Checking the actual blog entry, it now contains nothing more than this: "[BigBody]". Turns out this is a bug supposedly already fixed by Blogger.

There's an unpleasant irony in the fact that the damage seems to have been wrought when I recently forked over the additional shekels to upgrade to Blogger Pro. Certainly that appears to be the most commonly-reported cause of this error.

Great. I give you extra money: you hose down my blog with Prolixity Spray. Thanks, Ev.

I can’t bring myself to trawl through the archives and find any other examples of this kind of damage. As I tend to suffer from SARS (Super Amazingly Really-bloody-ridiculously-long-posts Syndrome), the prognosis is not good.

I do want to restore the “Marketing Aforethought” thing, though – but have no idea when, or if, I’ll be able to dig up a copy. Even Google’s cache has rolled over, alas, and only holds the blank record.

“All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain…”