
Everybody's blogging it...

Democratic presidential hopefuls.

Senior tech industry execs.

Famous authors.

Top drawer national news reporters.

The guy in the convenience store at 160 Bloor E.


TV Weathermen.

Celebrity Transvestites.

Captain Kirk.

NOT Captain Kirk.

Tennis Stars.

More famous authors.

Hollywood Actors.

Even Barenaked Ladies!

(My tiny sixdegrees-of-BNL claim to not-exactly-fame, btw, is that my daughter used to be in the same playschool class as BNL co-frontman Ed Robertson's son. A great playschool, at which we hosted our immensely-successful Bayer photo opp event yesterday).

And if you can't be bothered to do it yourself (shame!), those nice people at Brunching Shuttlecocks even have a service to do it for you...