Operation: Iraqi Freedom
Fellow Torontonian blogger (and PC DOCS alumnus) Ian Stevens is picking up a lot of referrer traffic from people Googling this phrase and landing at his blog.
He casually coined the term in an earlier blog entry, thinking nothing of it. Now it turns out that "Operation: Iraqi Freedom" may indeed be the chosen 'nom de guerre' for Dubya's illegal and unjust pre-emptive military campaign.
As at 11:55am EST, Ian's blog currently scores a perfect Googlewhack as the only hit returned by a Google search for the term. Expect this to change fast fast fast...
Ian's comment on the choice of the 'F' word is absolutely on point:
"I mean, how exactly are these Iraqis being freed? By the 3000 bombs which will hail down from above? At the time, the name seemed absurd. Trust the US government to once again become their own parody."
Which immediately brings this to mind:
Fellow Torontonian blogger (and PC DOCS alumnus) Ian Stevens is picking up a lot of referrer traffic from people Googling this phrase and landing at his blog.
He casually coined the term in an earlier blog entry, thinking nothing of it. Now it turns out that "Operation: Iraqi Freedom" may indeed be the chosen 'nom de guerre' for Dubya's illegal and unjust pre-emptive military campaign.
As at 11:55am EST, Ian's blog currently scores a perfect Googlewhack as the only hit returned by a Google search for the term. Expect this to change fast fast fast...
Ian's comment on the choice of the 'F' word is absolutely on point:
"I mean, how exactly are these Iraqis being freed? By the 3000 bombs which will hail down from above? At the time, the name seemed absurd. Trust the US government to once again become their own parody."
Which immediately brings this to mind: