
Blog Sprogs

There’s something in the air...or in our wives, at any rate.

I already knew Gary & Fiona Turner were expecting a baby any day now.

Thanks to Gary, I just found out that Tom Matrullo’s missus is also expecting imminently.

And tonight I arrived home to discover the lovely 39-week pregnant Sausage on her knees scrubbing out the kitchen cabinets. She’s evidently been cleaning, sorting and tidying all day.

As this will be our third time around, I’m pretty sure I know what this means. Nesting behaviour. Tonight could well be the night...

Wonder which blogger will sprog first?

I guess this means we’re actually going to have to pick a name – something we’ve so far been finding terribly difficult. The closer we get to this new one’s debut, the more comfortable I get with the ‘womb name’ we’ve been using so far.

You see, all of our kids have had womb names. The practice started with Charlie (now 5). We knew we’d call our first baby Charlie – regardless of whether he turned out to be she. But we didn’t want to use the name while he was in the womb, just in case something didn’t work out. So we came up with a womb name.

In Charlie’s case, we were looking through one of our many preggie books early on and happened upon a picture illustrating the size, at that stage, of the developing baby. It was a picture of a strawberry.

Charlie’s womb name, inevitably, became ‘Strawberry’. The fact that he was born with (and still has) lovely red hair, and that he has a huge appetite for fruits of all kinds, is just coincidental, I’m sure...

So when Sausage was carrying Lily, we also had to come up with a womb name, of course. Lily was a busy, busy baby – constantly twisting, turning and swishing around. Leona chose ‘Dolphin’ as an appropriate womb name this time.

Lily (now 3) has grown to be a complete water baby. She loves to swim – particularly underwater. We spent much of this past summer playing in the local open air pools, with Lily swimming underwater between Sausage and I. The kid’s totally fearless – ‘Watch me, Daddy! Watch me!’ *splash*

And now La Belle Saucisse has just about finished baking baby #3. This time, Charlie & Lily came up with the womb name: Opus.

We’ve gone through a stack of baby naming books and websites. Made lists, debated our favourites, polled friends and relatives. We’ve got a couple of names we’re pretty happy with, but you know...

I really kind of like ‘Opus’. Question is, would Opus like it?

BTW, with these synchronized steps towards imminent fatherhood across three separate but occasionally interlinked blogs, I’m tempted to make some really obvious smarm gags about there being more to this whole blogging phenom than meets the eye – but that would be genuinely lame (right, like that’s ever stopped me before...)