Enduring something of an enforced blog hiatus, alas. Cause: I’ve knacked the frigging Compaq yet again. Totally. The poor thing’s stonecold dead this time and has been for the last few days.
I’m not big on blogging from the office so, until I can get the Compaq’s power supply fixed or replaced, this blog’s going to be on sabbatical for at least a few days.
Got to try to fix the laptop before I head to San Francisco next week, so I can still email Sausage and she can still get online while I’m away...
Unrelated news:
I Love Me, vol. I is currently the #1 hit returned by Google in a search for “Hegelian Synthesis”, thanks to my snarky remarks about the Borg’s Charles Fitzgerald, below.
Wonder how long this will persist? I’m mildly entertained by the idea of struggling philosophy undergrads staggering into this site in search of enlightenment.
On which note, here’s my one and only Hegel joke and a borrowed clerihew (from Brian Leftow):
How many Hegelians does it take to change a light bulb?
None-the bulb is just at one dialectical pole between 'bright' and 'dark'--it will eventually synthesize these into a faint enough glow to see by...
"G.W.F. Hegel
Is less nutritious than a bagel.
A bagel has just one hole in the dough -
Hegel's all holes, wherever you go."
And finally, sage words from the Philosophy Department of the College of Charleston, South Carolina.
In their handouts for the first lecture in Philosophy 101 “A Brief Introduction to the Nature and Methods of Philosophy”:
"I. Why philosophy is unlike any other discipline:
A. It's breath"
Clearly, a course designed for those with philosophical aspirations.
Enduring something of an enforced blog hiatus, alas. Cause: I’ve knacked the frigging Compaq yet again. Totally. The poor thing’s stonecold dead this time and has been for the last few days.
I’m not big on blogging from the office so, until I can get the Compaq’s power supply fixed or replaced, this blog’s going to be on sabbatical for at least a few days.
Got to try to fix the laptop before I head to San Francisco next week, so I can still email Sausage and she can still get online while I’m away...
Unrelated news:
I Love Me, vol. I is currently the #1 hit returned by Google in a search for “Hegelian Synthesis”, thanks to my snarky remarks about the Borg’s Charles Fitzgerald, below.
Wonder how long this will persist? I’m mildly entertained by the idea of struggling philosophy undergrads staggering into this site in search of enlightenment.
On which note, here’s my one and only Hegel joke and a borrowed clerihew (from Brian Leftow):
How many Hegelians does it take to change a light bulb?
None-the bulb is just at one dialectical pole between 'bright' and 'dark'--it will eventually synthesize these into a faint enough glow to see by...
"G.W.F. Hegel
Is less nutritious than a bagel.
A bagel has just one hole in the dough -
Hegel's all holes, wherever you go."
And finally, sage words from the Philosophy Department of the College of Charleston, South Carolina.
In their handouts for the first lecture in Philosophy 101 “A Brief Introduction to the Nature and Methods of Philosophy”:
"I. Why philosophy is unlike any other discipline:
A. It's breath"
Clearly, a course designed for those with philosophical aspirations.