
Seeing the world through others' eyes.

Found this extraordinary site, can’t remember how, of Polish poster art.

As well as some stunning, beautiful sports, theatrical and political posters, there’s also a whole section of original Polish posters for well known American movies. This is wonderful and startling stuff.

When you think of films like The Godfather, High Noon, Apocalypse Now – a certain part of their iconic power comes from the oft-repeated images burned into our retinas from over exposure in the North American media. Taking one of these icons and viewing it through a different cultural lens makes for some surprising results.

Some of my favourite examples from the site:

Apocalypse Now

Dogs of War

Empire of the Sun

...similar, but just different enough from the original U.S. poster (slow link, btw)

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Graduate

And then there’s this:

Which seems much closer to the dark atmosphere of the movie than the expected image of Hoffman and Voight huddled into their jackets on that street corner...

Full archive here. Lots to enjoy...